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Aspects Holidays helps ‘Hope for Harm’ in Hayle

We are pleased to share that we have donated £750 to Hope for Harm, a Community Interest Company based in Hayle, working to support adults who self-harm. 

Once referred to Hope for Harm, an individual will receive up to 18 sessions of therapy from highly qualified and experienced counsellors - Jenny in Hayle, or Lucy in Falmouth. Our donation of £750 will provide a full course of therapy for one individual. 

Hope for Harm began as an idea in lockdown when Jenny Trevethan decided more had to be done to help people in need of support, specifically for people who self-harm. And so, Hope for Harm was born, and in March 2021 it was registered as a Community Interest Company. After just a matter of months, however, Jenny had received so many referrals that she quickly reached capacity. 

Therefore, in order for Hope for Harm to be able to reach as many people in need as possible (across Cornwall), from April 2023 it will become a service within Cornish charity CLEAR Emotional Trauma and Therapy Specialists. This will increase future chances of securing funding and enable the much-needed Hope for Harm Service to develop across the whole of Cornwall. 

Jenny, founder of Hope for Harm, said:

“I am delighted to receive this generous donation which has come at just the right time for Hope for Harm. Thanks to the generosity of Aspects Holidays and our future plans with CLEAR, the future is looking positive”

Chair of the Charity Council at Aspects Holidays, Jenna Ali, said the following: 

“We’re always looking to support our local community, so when we found out that Hope for Harm had reached capacity so quickly, we knew more people needed access to this fantastic facility. Supporting people’s mental health is so important; Jenny is delivering a much-needed service to the community, and we hope that our donation helps in the interim before she teams up with CLEAR.”

If you or someone you know is in need of support, you can find out more at Hope For Harm> 

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