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B Corp

Aspects Holidays is proudly B Corp

What is B Corp?

B Corp is a global certification for businesses aiming to put people and the planet at the forefront of what they do, using profit and success to positively impact our world. The B Impact Assessment evaluates a company’s practices and outputs across five categories: governance, workers, community, the environment, and customers. The process is thorough with every element reviewed to ensure that businesses conduct themselves with care and responsibility for the people and planet. 

The Score

Achieving B Corp Certification requires a baseline score of 80. The higher the score, the better. We are thrilled to have achieved an overall score of 90.2 and aim to continually improve this number upon each reassessment.

A Force for Good

B Lab, the not-for-profit organisation that undertakes B Corp assessments, was created in 2006 to encourage people to use business as a force for good; to benefit the world and humanity, rather than just pursuing profit above all else. Since launching, B Lab has helped thousands of businesses globally to achieve B Corp status, encouraging a more positive way of working.

 Aspects Holidays B Corp score





















Our Values: People | Planet | Prosperity

Our desire to become B Corp certified was driven by the already established values embedded in our company ethos - the three P’s: People, Planet and Prosperity. 


Below are some highlights which form part of our promise to do better for people, including staff, guests, customers and the wider community:

- Enhanced staff benefits
- Shop-local policies
- Celebrity service for all
- Local job opportunities
- Keeping people at the heart of the business
- Supporting our community
- Regular donations to charities


As part of our pledge to care for the environment, here are some of the key things we do at Aspects Holidays:

- Support environmental charities
- Carry out regular beach cleans
- Support wildlife and animal charities
- Recycle and reuse where possible
- Actively aim to reduce carbon footprint
- Installation of solar panels 
- Introduction of electric and hybrid company cars


By ensuring our business is successful, we can focus on the other two P’s, People and Planet. The economic growth of our business is essential for us to be able to be a force for good.

Our journey to becoming B Corp Certified

Having begun as a family business in 1989, we have maintained strong family values throughout the years, with a friendly, local and loyal team. We have always been mindful of how we work and the impact our business has on the world around us, conscientiously striving to achieve high social and environmental standards. These values fueled our desire to join the B Corp community, to be a part of a group of like-minded businesses striving to do more and be better.

Looking to the future - our mission and aims

We understand the need to continually learn, develop and improve upon what we already do to maintain and exceed our B Corp score. We are committed to evolving and advancing our business in all areas whilst remaining true to our values.